HIGHBORN (Juno/Pocket Books, October 2010) -- Available Here.
CONCRETE SAVIOR(Juno, Pocket Books, June 2011) -- Available Here.

About The Dark Redemption Novels

Written by Yvonne Navarro, the Dark Redemption novels tell the story of Astarte. Lucifer's lover and one of the highest-ranking female demons in Hell, Astarte has a change of heart-- she wants forgiveness, she wants back into Heaven, and most of all, she wants out of Hell. She escapes to Earth and takes the name Brynna Malak, and thus begins her long re-education into the realm of forgiveness, empathy and reluctant affection for humankind.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Yes, you can hear the very first reading from CONCRETE SAVIOR this weekend at the World Horror Convention 2011 in Austin, Texas.  Here's Yvonne's Schedule - http://whc2011.org/ !

THURs 10 PM - Phoenix Central Room: How Much Money Do We Make? (Panel about impossible stuff. ::ahem::)

FRI 10 AM - Robertson Room: Reading from CONCRETE SAVIOR

SAT 7 PM - Mass Signing

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Little Characterization, Anyone?

Click on over to Book'd Out at http://bookdout.wordpress.com/2011/04/19/giveaway-guest-post-yvonne-navarro-author-of-dark-redemption-series/ for a book giveaway, a review of HIGHBORN, and a guest blog about characterization.  This one goes a bit deeper into the parts of herself that a novelist tucks into her writing, willingly or unwillingly.  Check it out!