HIGHBORN (Juno/Pocket Books, October 2010) -- Available Here.
CONCRETE SAVIOR(Juno, Pocket Books, June 2011) -- Available Here.

About The Dark Redemption Novels

Written by Yvonne Navarro, the Dark Redemption novels tell the story of Astarte. Lucifer's lover and one of the highest-ranking female demons in Hell, Astarte has a change of heart-- she wants forgiveness, she wants back into Heaven, and most of all, she wants out of Hell. She escapes to Earth and takes the name Brynna Malak, and thus begins her long re-education into the realm of forgiveness, empathy and reluctant affection for humankind.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Ah, those Sweet, Sweet Review(ers)...

On this the last evening of 2010, I give thanks for all the people who showed their faith in my writing by putting out very hard-earned cash and picking up a copy of HIGHBORN. It's much appreciated.

A little extra thanks to those who took the time to go on Amazon and review it (up to 15 as of right now). It's those reviews, whether you liked the book or not, that will help keep the book noticeable and coming up when people browse. CONCRETE SAVIOR comes out in June, but whether there's a third book in the series is still in the "I hope so" phase. As I've been told, "It all depends on how well HIGHBORN does."

Happy New Year to all, and thank you again!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Here's wishing everyone had a fantastic Christmas filled with light and love and the laughter of all the people you love.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wanted... Dead or Alive!

Or Good or Bad: If anyone out there has read HIGHBORN and can spare a few minutes, I'd super-appreciate it if you'd post a review on Amazon. Nothing lengthy or agonizingly in-depth necessary-- just a few lines about whether (or not) you liked it. It's the reviews that will pop it back into noticeability, and right now it sure needs that because it's slipping in the ranks. The Kindle version seems to be holding its own, but the paperback sales could use a boost.

Very much appreciated. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Another HIGHBORN Signing in Tucson!

Yep, another one, this time at the Barnes and Noble Store on Broadway. The event listing is right here. Stop by and say "Hi." All you east coast people... come on down. You know you want to get away from that snow, right? It was 72 degrees here today. ::hee::

Thursday, December 2, 2010

HIGHBORN Signing on Saturday!

In the Tucson, Arizona area on Saturday for holiday shopping? Excellent-- stop by and see me at the Foothills Mall Barnes & Noble -- http://store-locator.barnesandnoble.com/event/3075053 -- at 2:00 p.m. Remember, personally autographed books make awesome (and affordable) holiday gifts!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Post Thanksgiving...

Here's wishing everyone had a safe, happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday. I've shared a few pictures of mine as well as some new photos of the Great Danes on my Facebook page. Drop by and take a peek if you have a minute or two. :0)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Post Turkey Day Reviews of HIGHBORN!

Hope everyone's Turkey Day was fantabulous. While you're all settled back and waiting for your tummies to shrink back to normal size, check out these two very nice reviews for HIGHBORN:

The first one is at freshfiction.com.

Second one at My Disorganized Ramblings.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

CONCRETE SAVIOR is available!

Believe it or not, for preorder right now on Amazon.com right Here. No cover yet (we're still working on that), but I'll post it as soon as I can.

By the way, if you haven't seen what happens when I'm left unsupervised while my other half goes off to Europe, check out my main page.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Comments about the new website design? Yays? Nays? Speak up or forever hold your piece... er, peace!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Original Posts: 3-3 through 11-10-2010

Since we're going to a new format, I'm going to add all the original posts to the Dark Redemption site in one great swoop. Okay, so it's not THAT great a swoop (at least in size), but the stuff will be below should anyone be curious!


11/11/10 -- Happy Veteran's Day! My husband is a Veteran, and so is my Dad. These are VERY special people and I love them lots. Speaking of love, I'm spreading a little of that this weekend at TusCon 37 in Tucson, Arizona. If you're in the area, please stop by. There will be two very special surprises with me. For full details, drop by my main Website.

11/5/10 - Pretty good review of HIGHBORN at Scooper Speaks. Still working on that blog design, but -- Yes! -- the edits to CONCRETE SAVIOR have to come first. (And I'm almost finished with those.) You know time is flying past too fast -- that rhymes -- when you glance at the calendar to put the date on here, cuz you're not sure if it's November 4th or 5th, and realize your calendar is still on October.

10/23/10 - HIGHBORN is out and available! And here's a fun contest: The first three people to review HIGHBORN on Amazon.com will win a free yvonnenavarro.com T-Shirt! My choice of design based on size and availability, but it'll be cool -- you betcha!

And don't give up on this site. A new blog-based design (as opposed to FTP) is in the works that will make it easier and faster to update so I can keep up with it. More to come!

9/14/10 - Sorry to be so late in updating! But here's the skinny: CONCRETE SAVIOR is almost finished! Seriously-- I'm on the final read-through, which means it goes to my reader (who is fast and efficient and will take about three days to go through it), I fix whatever he finds, and then it goes to Ye Big Editor at Pocket Juno! Yay! In the meantime, tomorrow I'm heading off to The Haunted Mansion Writers' Retreat, where I'll finish it up, work on some other stuff, and generally recover from an enormous overload of too much stuff to do and too little me. See you soon!

3/19/10 - Highborn Quote: "Brynna straightened, then realized someone was screaming. It was an older man in a white coat behind the counter at the end of the aisle, and the only reason she even noticed was because it was so odd to her senses that there was just one man screaming instead of thousands."

3/11/10 - Highborn Quote: "It was said that nothing and no one could truly return from Hell, that time ceased to exist once those colossal, black gates closed behind a weeping spirit."

3/3/10 - Brand new website! Check here for news about new stuff like excerpts, the cover and cover copy, etc. I'm working on the individual book pages now and will get them up as quickly as I can. Comments? Let me know what you think on the Dark Redemption FB Page.