HIGHBORN (Juno/Pocket Books, October 2010) -- Available Here.
CONCRETE SAVIOR(Juno, Pocket Books, June 2011) -- Available Here.

About The Dark Redemption Novels

Written by Yvonne Navarro, the Dark Redemption novels tell the story of Astarte. Lucifer's lover and one of the highest-ranking female demons in Hell, Astarte has a change of heart-- she wants forgiveness, she wants back into Heaven, and most of all, she wants out of Hell. She escapes to Earth and takes the name Brynna Malak, and thus begins her long re-education into the realm of forgiveness, empathy and reluctant affection for humankind.

Friday, June 10, 2011

ZombieFest 2011

When:  TOMORROW.  Yes, tomorrow -- Saturday, June 11th.
Where:  The Phoenix, Arizona Barnes and Noble Bookstore where Bill and Ed's Excellent Adventure was filmed.
Why:  Because Yvonne will be signing not only HIGHBORN, but CONCRETE SAVIOR.  Yes, it's out and available, and it's time to get your copy!
Why Revisited:  Because all the B&N employees are going to dress up like zombies and there will be contests and fun and shambling things for you to play with.  You certainly don't want to miss that, right?
Added Bonus:  Yvonne's husband, author Weston Ochse, will also be there, signing his zombie novel, Empire of Salt

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pulsing Intensity...

CONCRETE SAVIOR is now available!  If you check it out on Amazon here, not only can you get it in either paperback or Kindle format, you can read the first ever Amazon review!

Teaser: "Highly charged and darkly emotional, this is a book that will make you think even as it sucks you into its pulsing intensity."